The Cheese Retro

Music for Generation X!

The Cheese

Black Crowes - She Talks To Angels

The Cheese - The Cheese is a Low Power FM station, located in the gorgeous Hutt Valley in Wellington, New Zealand. We play you the best Gen-X Music Variety, all day, every day! Our announcers love sharing their favourite music with you, as well as a few good yarns and local information, and we keep you up to date. The Cheese has been playing the best Gen-X hits since July 2006, so we feel we know a thing or two about music! Donations are also a way you can help with our day to day costs and to ensure we can keep playing you the best music for generation X! You can make a donation direct to us here:

Now Playing on The Cheese

Black Crowes

She Talks To Angels

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Music for Generation X!

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