Tejano Network Radio Spanish Music

Internet radio will never be the same

Tejano Network Radio


Tejano Network Radio - Tejano Network is an internet radio station designed to bring a specific style of Tejano music to the world through a programmed format with music and entertainment. The main goal and mission is to inform those who do not know what La Onda Tejana Progresivo estilo of musica is...our definition of La Onda Tejana Progresivo is a style of musica that has the sound of a smooth flowing jazzy polka style with a progressive flavor of precision timing and easy listening chicano musica. Tejano Network promotes new artists as well as established artists. We seek to stimulate, educate and entertain our audience, to reflect the diversity of the world community and to provide a channel for Onda Tejana musica that has been overlooked or under-represented by other media outlets. The board, staff and volunteers are committed to let the world know what this estilo is all about. Tune In to Tejano Network and we'll do our best to provide you, the Fans the Best of the Best of La Onda Tejana musica!!!

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Internet radio will never be the same

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