Fortiori (Jonathan Schnitzspan) - Cassandra (Part I Corrode-Part II Prophecy Part III Animate)
Prog Palace Radio (Prog & Power Metal) - Prog Palace Radio Is a Progressive and Power Metal station that's celebrating 21 years of streaming. Began in 1999 under the name Station XXXX and was listed under a list of stations mostly Country and Western. It was a few months later I ventured out on my own and changed the name to The Prog Palace and began to grow. Playing Progressive Rock and Progressive Metal it slowly began to grow. It was felt that another name change was in order and it was changed to Prog Palace Radio and the format changed slightly with the addition of Power Metal to the mix.
All during this time the owner also had his own show called the Prog Metal Show and has been a part of the station every Saturday night 7PM ET.
A chatroom is setup on the website for listeners to join in and talk with the DJ during the live show, make requests, discuss music, or just hang out.