Lemond Radio Jazz

Your Pound Cake Were We Give Jazz & More

Lemond Radio

K L'Shaun - R and B Juke Joint March 11 2025

Lemond Radio - Walking by faith and not by sight is truly the amazing story of StrawberryRadio.net, husband and wife Keith and Felicia Gardner. Felicia is a native of Richmond Virginia in which after graduating from high school, she pursued a career in nursing. Life’s turn-of-event, she started having challenges with her eyesight. As a result, nursing became a distant goal of achievements. By age twenty-six, Felicia’s eyesight challenge became total blindness. She too refused to allow vision to deter her from The Vision. Felicia pursued working within clinical workshops for the blind and continued to sharpen her skills. She has mastered many skill sets and continues to progress within clinical workshops for the Commonwealth of Virginia. Felicia “Mrs. Poundcake” has a passion for music, music radio, and a compassionate spirit to share it with the souls of their listeners. Her melodic moto is Smoothing the Poundcake “”. Felicia’s song of testimony is “Amazing Grace”. Although the song states “once I was blind, but now I see” which appears to be ironic as to what unfolded with Felicia. In actuality, it is exactly what manifested. “But now I see” because she “pitched her tent in the land hope” and relinquish her fears into the darkness of her physical sight, and walked in The Vision of her “Amazing Graced” gift to give a song “to those who have ears, let them hear”. Thanks, Felicia and Keith Gardner

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K L'Shaun

R and B Juke Joint March 11 2025

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Your Pound Cake Were We Give Jazz & More

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