Welcome back to The Tri Swim Coach Podcast! And if this is your first time listening congrats—you just made the best decision of your triathlon career. Or maybe the worst. We’ll see.
Want to talk with Brook? You can find her on IG: https://www.instagram.com/brookbenten?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet&igsh=ZDNlZDc0MzIxNw==
You can also check out all of Brook's amazing books: BrookBenten.com/shop/
🔥 First up—Austin, Texas, April 4-6. You, me, and a bunch of other poor souls figuring out how to swim like actual athletes. Hands-on coaching, video analysis, open water skills—so you’re not just out there flopping around like a fish having an existential crisis. Limited spots, so don’t be that guy who waits too long. Apply to join the camp here: https://forms.gle/3H1Yf7ELiFVEamkh6
🔥 Or come see me and the TSC crew in-person at SwimBox in the Washington, DC area. We’ll fix your stroke, fine-tune your technique, and make sure you stop burning all your energy before you even hit the bike. Seriously, stop swimming like you’re fighting the water—we can help. Email to set up an out of Towner Workshop, domininc@triswimcoach.com