The Knife JunkieSports

The Knife Junkie Podcast is the place for knife newbies and knife junkies to learn about knives and knife collecting. Twice per week, Bob "The Knife Junkie" DeMarco talks knives and knife collecting. The Knife Junkie Podcast is the place for blade lovers to learn about knives and hear from the makers, manufacturers, and reviewers that make the knife world go round. Visit

The Knife Junkie Podcast

Jack Billings, Shed Knives: The Knife Junkie Podcast (Episode 577)

Sun, 09 Mar 2025

Jack Billings of Shed Knives joins Bob "The Knife Junkie" DeMarco on Episode 577 of The Knife Junkie Podcast (

Originally starting in 2018 as just a hobby, Shed Knives was started by three friends making knives on Saturday mornings. Their first knife was a sword: a katana. As time went on in 2018, the friends started trading knives for bigger and better machines to build the "Shed Knives Shop." For $5, they made their first forge.

The three friends started making and selling their first knives which were named the 2019 Sheepsfoot, US Tanto, Drop Point, and Wharncliffe. The friends started selling at scouting events, to friends, family, and whoever else wanted one.

In 2019, Jack was the only original member left, but he found new team members and was able to continue producing knives and fulfilling orders. After getting their feet wet with the business, 2020 was the first year with a clearly defined product release. That year they also got 10 stores to start selling Shed Knives.

Find Shed Knives online at and on Instagram at

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Double Edged Fighting Knives: The Knife Junkie Podcast (Episode 576)

Wed, 05 Mar 2025

On the midweek supplemental episode of The Knife Junkie podcast (episode 576), Bob "The Knife Junkie" DeMarco looks at double edged fighting knives, including the TKell Knives Agent-001, Station 9 #12 Undercover, and the Pinkerton Knives Razorback, among others.

Bob begins with his favorite comments of the week. He also shows off 3D prints his new collaboration with TKell Knives: a Double Edged Fighter. Plus, he shows off some Bob Terzuola merch that will be given away on a future "Thursday Night Knives."

In his pocket check of knives, it's the Asymmetrical Nighthorse, a Victorinox Tinker, the TKell Knives Adversary, and the Spartan-George Raider Dagger (Emotional Support Knife).

In Knife Life News:

• New Compound Ground Boker Northwood Bowie

• The Super Thin Vosteed Parallel Gets Upgraded

• We Knife Co. Drops In-House Designed Wharnie Stunner

• Polish Treasure Hunters Find Amazing Medieval Broadsword

Meanwhile, in his State of the Collection, Bob looks at the new Knives by Nuge Primitive XL and the Cold Steel Big Bear Classic. 

Find the list of all the knives shown in the show and links to the Knife Life news stories at

Support the Knife Junkie channel with your next knife purchase. Find our affiliate links at You can also support The Knife Junkie and get in on the perks of being a patron, including early access to the podcast and exclusive bonus content. Visit for details.

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To watch or listen to past episodes of the podcast, visit And for professional podcast hosting, use The Knife Junkie's podcast platform of choice:

Rolando Garcia III, founder of Rolanda Estocada: The Knife Junkie Podcast (Episode 575)

Sun, 02 Mar 2025

Rolando Garcia III, founder of Rolanda Estocada, joins Bob "The Knife Junkie" DeMarco on Episode 575 of The Knife Junkie Podcast (

Rolando lives in NYC and has lifelong training experience with martial arts greats in arts including JKD, BJJ, Savate, and American Bowie Knife Fighting.

He is a full senior instructor in Jeet Kune Do under Sifu Armando Basulto. He is also a RKC kettlebell coach under the legendary Pavel Tsatsouline.

Rolando has an extensive collection of knives and swords, including custom-made Bill Bagwell Bowie knives made expressly for Rolando by the knife making great to fit his movement.

He also teaches various martial methodologies to viewers of his YouTube channel, as well as showing his incredible knife collection and offering a general positive message of self-empowerment.

Find Rolando on Instagram at and on YouTube at

Be sure to support The Knife Junkie and get in on the perks of being a patron, including early access to the podcast and exclusive bonus content. Visit for details. You can also support The Knife Junkie channel with your next knife purchase. Find our affiliate links at

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To watch or listen to past episodes of the podcast, visit And for professional podcast hosting, use The Knife Junkie's podcast platform of choice:

Large and XL Cold Steel Folders (5" Blades and Up): The Knife Junkie Podcast (Episode 574)

Wed, 26 Feb 2025

On the midweek supplemental episode of The Knife Junkie podcast (episode 574), Bob "The Knife Junkie" DeMarco looks at several of his large and extra large Cold Steel folders (5-inch blades and up).

Bob begins with his favorite comments of the week.

In his pocket check of knives, it's the Cuda Maxx 5.5, the C.Risner Cutlery Ohio River Jack, the Armis Knife & Tool VSK1, and a Hogtooth Custom Sub-Hilt Fighter (Emotional Support Knife).

In Knife Life News:

• New Paul Munko and Bestech Collaboration Folder

• We and Gavko Collaborate on a Folder Not Named After a Shark

• Civivi Goes Tactical with Beautiful Near-Dagger

• Knife Rights Urges Us to Respond to FTC on Social Media Censorship

Meanwhile, in his State of the Collection, Bob looks at the Civivi Perfrico, the Gross Motor Gear Mamushi and the Mamushi Mini.

Find the list of all the knives shown in the show and links to the Knife Life news stories at

Support the Knife Junkie channel with your next knife purchase. Find our affiliate links at You can also support The Knife Junkie and get in on the perks of being a patron, including early access to the podcast and exclusive bonus content. Visit for details.

Let us know what you thought about this episode and leave a rating and/or a review. Your feedback is appreciated. You can also email with any comments, feedback, or suggestions.

To watch or listen to past episodes of the podcast, visit And for professional podcast hosting, use The Knife Junkie's podcast platform of choice:

Joe Watson, J. Watson Knives: The Knife Junkie Podcast (Episode 573)

Sun, 23 Feb 2025

Joe Watson, custom knifemaker and design consultant, joins Bob "The Knife Junkie" DeMarco on Episode 573 of The Knife Junkie Podcast (

Watson offers a variety of high performance, handmade knives from kitchen to outdoors to duty use. He also creates historically inspired knives and art pieces and improves them with modern construction methods and more logical design.

Watson still fabricates, cuts, grinds, shapes, dresses and polishes knives one at a time, like he did when he made his first knife in high school.

Whether working with the latest hi-tech materials or with rare, unique natural and antique components, Joe enjoys the process. His tactical and outdoor knives were made, tested and vetted for years before ever being sold and does not believe in using customers as guinea pigs.

Joe joined the US Army at the peak of the War on Terror and when he could, modified knives, and made kydex holsters and sheaths. He trained remotely overseas with a member of Rhodesian SAS and learned how to do more with less in situations where knife performance was of great consequence.

Upon leaving the military he would work in private sector security and trained in BJJ, boxing, Muay Thai, Filipino and Indonesian martial arts. 

Joe developed a sense of what features made the most effective tactical knives, guardless blades without choils and sheaths that allow a full hand grip performed the best in organic medium testing.

Initially his goal was to make functional tools without a thought to fit and finish, but after learning from knife makers like Johnny Stout, John Young, Harvey Dean and John Horrigan, he was inspired to refine his work further.

Find Joe Watson online at, as well as on Instagram at and on Facebook at

Be sure to support The Knife Junkie and get in on the perks of being a patron, including early access to the podcast and exclusive bonus content. Visit for details. You can also support The Knife Junkie channel with your next knife purchase. Find our affiliate links at

Let us know what you thought about this episode and leave a rating and/or a review. Your feedback is appreciated. You can also email with any comments, feedback, or suggestions.

To watch or listen to past episodes of the podcast, visit And for professional podcast hosting, use The Knife Junkie's podcast platform of choice:

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