Small But Mighty Podcast for Non-ProfitsNon-Profit

Small But Mighty Podcast for Non-Profits

Small But Mighty Podcast for Non-Profits

How small charities can thrive during tough economic times

Wed, 15 Jan 2025

How can small charities weather tough economic times using  'value for money' principles?

In this episode Bianca chats to UK researchers Dr Carl Evans and Dr Nigel Jackson from Plymouth University about their two research projects focussing on small charities.

Dr Evans has led two studies - 'Value-for-money and the small charity' and 'UK charities and the current economic situation: Embracing value-for-money (VFM) in order to survive.'

Episode highlights:

10 mins - Value-for-money theory and the 'Three E's

11.30 mins - What charities think value-for-money actually is

12 mins - Why value-for-money is so important for small charities

15.20 mins - The research results and the economic impact on UK charities, and similarities with Australia.

25.40 mins - How small charities can adapt to change and economic challenges 

26.23 mins - Why innovation is important

27 mins - Collaboration between small charities

37.16 mins - How small charities can practically adopt a value-for-money approach

41.45 mins - Tips for leaders of small charities wanting to create a culture of value-for-money

49.54 mins - What Dr Evans and Dr Jackson think Small But Mighty can mean for small charities

For more resources created specifically for small non-profits join the Small Non-Profits Alliance for FREE here:

You can also connect with the Alliance on Facebook and Instagram.

Non-Profit Myth Busters: Myths plaguing small charities

Mon, 21 Oct 2024

It's time to bust some non-profit myths!

In this episode, Bianca and Kirsty bust four commonly-held myths about small charities in 2024, covering topics such as how small charities handle finances, whether they should use bequests, social media misconceptions and myths about video for charity marketing. 

For more resources created specifically for small non-profits join the Small Non-Profits Alliance for FREE here:

You can also connect with the Alliance on Facebook and Instagram.

Short Stuff: 6 Steps to Engaging Major Donors

Mon, 17 Jun 2024

In a post-Covid world, where events and community fundraising has become less reliable and much more challenging. More and more charities are shifting their focus up the donor pyramid a little to major donors.

In this episode, Bianca breaks down The Circle of Giving and the six key steps in the process of the move management protocols for major donors.

Resources mentioned in this episode can be found here.

Our Small But Mighty 'Short Stuff' episodes are advice for small non-profit success, delivered in under five minutes.

For more resources created specifically for small non-profits join the Small Non-Profits Alliance for FREE here:

You can also connect with the Alliance on Facebook and Instagram.

Small Non-Profit Trends in 2024

Tue, 07 May 2024

Small But Mighty is back for a sixth season! In this opening episode, hosts Bianca and Kirsty share key trends small non-profits need to be aware of in 2024.

With economic and cost of living pressures being seen globally, it's more important than ever for small charities to work smarter and not harder.

Episode highlights include:

 2:53 mins - The importance of relationships & collaboration between small non-profits and charities

8:39 mins -   Changes in determining the success of your non-profit's email marketing

13:29 mins - Why strengthening your donor relationships is more important than ever during the cost-of-living crisis

17:45 mins - Why you need to use video on social media in 2024

21:28 mins - The impact of AI in the small non-profit space

For more resources created specifically for small non-profits join the Small Non-Profits Alliance for FREE here:

You can also connect with the Alliance on Facebook and Instagram.

Giving Hope: Solving fundraising dilemmas for small charities

Tue, 18 Apr 2023

Australian fundraising legend Peter Dalton joins Bianca to talk about his latest book, Giving Hope: The Journey of the For-Purpose Organisation and Its Quest for Success.

Peter tackles a set of six fundraising dilemmas, and explains to Bianca how small non-profits can overcome them.

Peter has been a huge influence in the Australian non-profit sector, with more than 30 years experience in working in fundraising.

Among many well known campaigns in Australia and globally, he lead the Olivia Newton-John Wellness Centre campaign for the Austin Hospital in Melbourne.

You can buy Peter's book here:

Episode highlights:

5.40 mins – strengths of small charities – major gifts and major donors – a different approach for start-ups/small charities - the most cost effective way of starting funding. 

7.15 mins - why a case for support is so important and tips of what is essential for a good one

8.15 mins – how to target a major single donor 

11.10 mins – What Giving Hope is all about for for-purpose organisations

18.20 mins – the six fundraising dilemmas and what they mean for small non-profits - The cost ratio dilemma 

23.20 mins - the tied funding dilemma

28.20 mins – the product vs misery vs hope dilemma

For more resources created specifically for small non-profits join the Small Non-Profits Alliance for FREE here:

You can also connect with the Alliance on Facebook and Instagram.

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