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Brave New Teaching

Brave New Teaching: A Podcast for High School and Middle School Teachers


Thu, 06 Mar 2025

Marie here! Did you know that I teach high school English AND theatre? From early mornings with (multiple cups of) coffee in hand to juggling English lessons and theatre rehearsals, my days as a high school teacher are anything but boring. In this episode, I’m taking you behind the scenes of a typical day in my life - showing you how I bring creativity into my classroom and balance all the moving parts of being a teacher.

This day was extra special because I am transforming my English classroom into a giant cozy reading fort. I’m bringing you along as I do it and you’ll hear how my students responded to it as we kick off a Fantasy unit centered around the question “Why do we pursue escape?”. Plus I’ll share what book snaps are. Your students will love it!

Then, you’ll hear me jump into full-on theatre production mode as I wrap up the school day. It’s a 16-hour day condensed into 15 minutes of audio! If you like this type of episode and want more vlog-style episodes, send us a DM on Instagram. We would love to bring you more!


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Thu, 27 Feb 2025

Assessments don’t have to be boring, stressful, or one-size-fits-all - and in this episode, we’re proving why! As we wrap up our Novels in Verse series, we’re diving into fresh, creative ways to assess student learning that go beyond the standard essay. Whether you love assessments or dread them, this conversation will challenge the way you think about measuring student growth.

We’re breaking down the balance between formative and summative assessments and sharing how small, intentional check-ins (like Sesame Street quizzes!) can build toward deeper, more meaningful final projects. You’ll hear how centering an essential question, like Which is more important, knowing your story or telling it?, can guide students through analysis, creativity, and self-expression. Plus, we’ll walk you through summative assessment options that allow students to showcase their understanding in a way that works best for them.

And if you’re looking for a quick, skills-focused assessment that doesn’t take hours to prep or grade, we’ve got you covered with a strategy that simplifies everything. we’re even sharing ways to mix and match different assessment types so you can create the perfect approach for your classroom. Trust us, if assessments have ever felt like a headache, this episode will leave you feeling ready to try something new!


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THE NOVELS IN VERSE COLLECTION: Supplemental and Alternative Text Ideas [Ep 246]

Thu, 20 Feb 2025

We’re in the middle of our novels in verse series and so far we’ve talked about the possibilities that come with a novels in verse unit, essential questions, and gateway activities.Now it’s time to get into our favorite part…supplemental ideas! 

Get ready to hear creative ways to supplement The Poet X by Elizabeth Acevedo. We focus on the essential question: Which is more important, knowing your story or telling it? And we discuss key themes that can help students connect more deeply with the novel and their own experiences.

You’ll hear a mix of literary and pop culture resources that can bring these themes to life in fresh and exciting ways. From classic texts to modern music and even moments from film and theatre, these ideas will encourage your students to think critically about storytelling, identity, and self-expression. We also talk about different approaches to integrating these supplementals into a unit without overwhelming students - or teachers!

If you have more ideas for making a novels in verse unit more dynamic and engaging, we would love to hear from you! Send us a message on Instagram @bravenewteaching and join us in Happy Hour, where we share done-for-you resources, new strategies, and a supportive community of teachers like you!


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THE NOVELS IN VERSE COLLECTION: Gateway Activity Ideas [Ep 245]

Thu, 13 Feb 2025

Ever struggled to get students excited about novels in verse? In this episode, we’re sharing creative, low-pressure ways to ease them into poetry analysis without the overwhelm. With engaging, hands-on activities, you’ll learn how to make storytelling through verse feel accessible and fun from day one. As we always say, a good gateway can make or break a unit! 💥

One of the biggest game-changers is meeting students where they are. By tapping into things they already love, like music and interactive learning, you can help them see the connections between poetry and storytelling in a way that just CLICKS! These strategies not only build confidence, but also set the stage for deeper analysis as the unit unfolds.

We’re also talking about fresh ways to approach perspective and text analysis - ones that get students thinking critically without feeling like another tedious assignment. Whether you’re looking to revamp your novel in verse units or just need a few easy wins, this episode is packed with ideas you can start using right away.


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THE NOVELS IN VERSE COLLECTION: Essential Question Possibilities for The Poet X [Ep 244]

Thu, 06 Feb 2025

Last week, we talked about the possibilities for novels in verse and broke down two approaches to teaching these texts. Today, we’re continuing the conversation using Elizabeth Acevedo’s The Poet X as our guide.

We’re exploring two distinct essential questions that can shape a thoughtful unit - one that focuses on the craft of language and another that taps into the journey of self-discovery. No matter which approach you take, this conversation will help you build a unit that sparks engaging discussions and critical thinking in your students.

The Poet X would be perfect as a read aloud or an opportunity for students to listen to the audiobook! We’ve even created some sketch notes for you as a free resource that students can use while listening. These notes hone in on the essential question that students are focusing on in your unit and can be used with any text. 

Don’t forget to join us in Happy Hour where we’ll provide you with a unit makeover slide deck resource specific to The Poet X!


Show Notes:

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